
Guard My Life

Yesterday I lifeguarded a private pool party - something I haven't done in awhile. It reminded me of how much I love lifeguarding. I love connecting with the kids and affirming them on their swimming. I love knowing that everyone is safe because I'm in charge. 

I think most of all I like getting paid to people watch the most interesting group of people to observe and learn from - children. 

"Unless you change and become like little children you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3

First, there's the kids who are scared of the water (how often do they bathe??) and have a lot of anxiety about getting in.

Then there are the good swimmers who are confident and often not very considerate of the weaker swimmers.

And then you have the kids who think they're better than they are. They're over-confidant and scare the crap out of me as a lifeguard.

All of them trust me though. It doesn't matter who I am, or if in the past I've been a successful lifeguard. They understand my rank and trust me. When does that change as an adult? And how do I get that back?

When I look at God, who's watching over my life and protecting me, I can't just trust Him based on His rank - the fact that He's GOD. As if that's not enough. How much more qualified can you get???

I only see the rules and the ways I think (cause I'm more qualified to make decisions about my life? yeah right) my life should go. I feel like I get an insight into how God looks at us when I'm lifeguarding. He sets rules to keep us safe. He lets us test our strength. When we're weak He's right there for us, He runs over and is extra-close-by, just in case. When we reach out our hand for help, He's there. He takes things away from us if it's not what's best for our welfare.

And ultimately, He won't let us drown, or sink in over our head.

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