
Hotty Frassati

“We who, by the grace of God, are Catholics, must not squander the best years of our lives as so many unhappy young people do, who worry about enjoying the good things in life, things that do not in fact bring any good, but rather the fruit of immorality in today’s world. We must prepare ourselves to be ready and able to handle the struggles we will have to endure to fulfill our goals, and, in so doing, to give our country happier and morally healthier days in the near future.  
But in order for this to happen we need the following: constant prayer to obtain God’s grace, without which all our efforts are in vain; organization and discipline to be ready for action at the right moment; and finally, we need to sacrifice our own passions, indeed our very selves, because without this sacrifice we will never achieve our goal.”
— Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

Happy feast of Blessed Pier! I can't get over how amazing and perfect this quote is. I'm constantly re-examining my life and asking, where can I improve? Where do I need more discipline? How can I improve my prayer life? Where and how can I sacrifice my desires?

I don't ever want to be complacent. I went away on vacation these past four days. The last couple weeks have been really rough for a couple reasons and I needed something to help me but I wasn't sure what. God knew, and he loved me so abundantly through nature.

There are times in your life when you've made it around another lap of the track and you're at the starting point again and can choose how you want to run the next lap. That's where I'm at right now, and tomorrow the guns goes off.

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