
The wonder of chickpeas

Would you believe this dip is made mainly with chickpeas? You'd think it'd be loaded with cream cheese, maybe some flour. But no! Chickpeas have saved the day this past week. I had no idea they were so versatile.

It's been a couple weeks since finding out about my allergies and while fruits and vegetables are wonderful, I started to struggle with not having much variety, flavor, and honestly - fun in the foods I was eating. One of the worst tragedies was that I couldn't find a salad dressing I could have. Trader Joe's has a hummus salad dressing though and it's amazing! It's creamy because of the chickpeas but has lots of flavor like ranch.  

Of course spicy hummus is a favorite as well, which I eat with carrots as a snack. I also found a recipe for sweet and salty roasted chickpeas

You know what would be terrible? If it turns out I was one of those people who couldn't overload on certain foods or else I'd form an allergy to those. Ugh, then chickpeas and corn products would definitely be out. However - I thought this was sort of the end of the world too and it's totally not. 

I'm feeling SO GOOD! Thanks to chickpeas, I can still love this new diet. 

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