
I Have Decided

You know when you make a decision and then the opposite happens? Like you decide "No, I don't want to carry my umbrella today" ... and it pours. Or you decide to order the spicy chicken sandwich but then the burger looks way more appetizing? Why is that?

It's as if God decides to have some fun with you and see how you'll react. "What will be it today? Tears? Laughter? Throwing dishes?" "Will she pout like a kid or suck it up?"

Yesterday, right when I decided to be so happy about something, to be truly and peacefully content - the figurative chair was pulled from under me so I went fumbling to the ground again.

It's just so ironic I can't stand it.

I've been reading this book called the "Context of Holiness." It's about how whatever we're dealt in life is the context we have to use to become a saint. Well this is mine. I don't bounce back well. I don't like change. I sometimes have a hard time being optimistic. And figurative chairs and rugs are constantly being pulled out from under me. Not fun.

When I decide something, virtue means sticking to it when you're tested. I can still be content - just with a lot more effort. A lot.

Funny ... that's how you become a better person too. At least that's the way I've been given. What about  you?

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