
RSVP (regrets only)

What if the person you admire most in the whole world called you up one afternoon. You're shocked that they even know who you are, have your number and want to chat. This is that person who you're in awe of. They seem so awesome and distant and mysterious in their greatness.

So they call you up, and tell you - "I want you to come over and have a meal with me, I promise it'll be the best thing you've ever had and I'd love to get to know you better."

Wow, that'd pretty much blow your mind right? This is like Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Padre Pio, JPII .. someone amazing. They want to know you, little you with your faults and shortcomings. Of course you'd be flattered.

Or would you? Tonight I was at a Bible Study and we talked about this Sunday's gospel. It's where the King prepares the best feast you can imagine, but all the people He invites just .... don't want to come. What the heck? I would never act that way!

But sometimes I don't want to get out of bed to go to Mass. Is that the same? Sometimes instead of choosing to love someone in charity, I act distant and cold. Is that the same? Sometimes I choose sin and turn away from God. Wait .. is that the same too?

God asks so much of me. If I come to His banquet then I have to actually respond to Him, as in, make a choice and follow through. I also have to be present to Him, you know, talk, share stuff. I can't think about myself all the time when I'm with Him, but I like thinking about myself. Then I also have to start acting like He expects me too. He wants me to be nice, loving even ... and care for the other people at the feast. That's such a sacrifice.

But if I don't go to the banquet, I say "no" to being held in His arms. I say "no" to His loving and merciful presence and gaze. I don't want to miss out on the way I feel when He's around. I can't say "no" because that would be the ultimate let-down to God, since I was chosen to receive an invitation.

The sacrifice, the setting aside of myself ... it's so worth any moment spent with my God. Even if He doesn't have cheesecake at the banquet.

Oh ... and He's asking you too. What'll you say today, and tomorrow and the next ... ?Pin It

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