
Oh revenge

Remind me to never, ever, ever have dairy again. Oh, I don't know why I ever thought it would be a good idea. On sunday there was cake batter ice cream from coldstone, I just loooove cake batter and my week had been crappy so I totally deserved it right?

Once I started that snowball it was so hard to stop. Things got worse. The next day we had an impromptu ice cream social. How could I not participate? It was someone's birthday! So again, I had ice cream, this time with whip cream too. Oh the horror.

But no, wait, it gets worse. Monday night, while torturing myself watching The Bachelorette, my roommate made oatmeal cookies with a cream filling. Cream filling. I bet you didn't even know how much I love those cheap, little debbie, oatmeal cream pies!?! AND given I was depressed about the size of Emily the bachelorette's waist and the 6 hot men she gets to date all at once - yeah, you guessed it, I ate the cream filled cookies. Did you notice the plural?

My body has been itchy, cramping, achy, exhausted, gassy, and miserable. You know that stupid, frustrating saying, "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." (which is b.s. if you ask me - have you tasted cookies and cream milkshakes at chick-fil-a???) Well in my life, nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

I give anyone complete freedom to slap me if I reach for dairy. Ever.Pin It

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