
Come Home

Come Home by ryanadams

"If you stay right here, tomorrow will be fine"

I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving. It's over a month away but it feels so close compared to the amount of time I've been here. Have you ever moved all the way across the country? Far, far away from friends and family? A 5 hour plane ride from all the family parties they tell you about.

Well let me tell you, it's not easy. When God calls - you go. But going isn't always a piece of cake.

It can feel pretty heavy sometimes. I just have to push it away, and if I can't - well tomorrow will be fine. The sun will rise bright and beautiful again.

Today I got to chat online with my little sister who's on some island in the Mediterranean. It filled a little hole in my heart that had been empty for some time.  

On a side note, I was at the grocery store Whole Foods tonight and saw someone buying muffins that looked like they were made of birdseed - gross. But healthy. Which is often synonymous.Pin It

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for Thanksgiving!!!! I miss you...
    don't have a hole in your heart..I LOVE YOU too!
