I Talked to Christ
I talked with Christ today. It was face to face and he looked at me with such love, and spoke with such gentleness. He said everything's fine, don't worry. He said I'm forgiven.
I mean I went to Confession today. Sacraments just leave me so speechless. How can you even describe what happens there, or how it feels? You know when you love someone and the words "I Love You" don't adequately portray everything that your heart feels? That's sort of like how I feel about the sacraments. Particularly confession today.
How do you describe the weightlessness and overflowing gratitude that Jesus offers (whenever we want it) in confession? He's right. there. The priest sits "in persona Christi" which pretty much means, he's just there and Christ speaks through him, pours grace through Him, applies the effects of His death and resurrection into my life through this old, wrinkled, hard-of-hearing man who said "yes" to God once upon a time.
Why aren't people running to this sacrament? Now I have to be honest, I drag my feet too and almost every time before I step in I have a mini freak-out and pray "Ah! Give me courage!" It's not easy telling someone all the ways you've failed. A priest recently was talking about this sacrament and said what stays in the dark can never be conquered. It can never be fixed. Like if someone is abusing you and you never tell anyone, it's going to keep happening.
That's one of the reasons why we have to confess our sins out loud to a priest, to bring everything into the light and face it instead of burying it and hiding it. When it stays inside it's just ruminating or brewing. Out loud it's over and done with - gone with the sound waves it came out on.
I'm just so thankful for being Catholic. And for grace. And Fr. Gerry.
I don't know what else to write ... speechless.
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